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IPTA AHNP Travel Bursary

Goal:  To encourage and support IPTA Allied Health and Nursing Professionals (AHNP) member attendance to the biennial in-person congress.  IPTA recognizes the value of the allied health and nursing team in the care of transplant recipients and their care providers.  Additionally recognized are the barriers that AHNP often face to congress attendance, and the many benefits of education and international collaboration. This bursary will facilitate the attendance of two AHNP members by providing complementary attendance to the conference and $1000 USD towards travel and/or accommodation support.  One of the two awards will be reserved for applicants from a low and middle income country (LMIC). 

Application Deadline: May 12, 2025

IPTA - Nominated Awards

The IPTA Awards Committee is convened biannually in order to review and make recommendations for the IPTA awards given out at the IPTA Congress every two years. The award nominations open in the Fall of each year prior to the biannual congress.

Nomination deadline: March 10, 2025

  • IPTA Lifetime Achievement Award
  • IPTA Distinguished Allied Health and Nursing Professionals
  • IPTA Future Leaders Career Development Award

Click here for more information

IPTA Congress Scientific Awards

In person Congress Scientific Awards.

  • 5 Awards of $1,000 USD will be giving to high score applicants that are attending the in person meeting. The awards aims to help cover the cost of travel and accommodation during the meeting.

Application Deadline: April 25, 2025

TTS IPTA Congress Scientific Awards

TTS IPTA Congress Scientific Awards are designed to help offset expenses incurred to attend (in person) the IPTA 2025 Congress and awarded based on the scientific merit of applicants.

  • Awards may not exceed a maximum amount of $1,000 USD per awardee. A maximum of 5 awards from TTS will be provided.

Application Deadline: April 25, 2025

IPTA-ESOT Congress Scientific Awards

The IPTA-ESOT Congress Scientific Award recognizes scientific excellence based on an abstract submission from the European Union or the United Kingdom.

IPTA Mentee Travel Grant

Supported by:

The IPTA Mentee Travel Grant is dedicated to mentees who participate in the IPTA mentorship program. Applicants should have submitted an abstract for IPTA 2025 and must provide a short motivational letter. We want to support those mentees who have actively engaged in an exchange with their mentor and therefore ask for confirmatory note by the mentor. Please submit your motivational letter and note from your mentor by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Application Deadline: April 1, 2025